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Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy
As we age our hormones naturally decline causing an imbalance that can result in symptoms that affect our daily lives. If you are experiencing daily fatigue, changes in mood, difficulty concentrating, or changes in libido then let Avail Wellness help you feel like yourself again!

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What is Bio-Identical
Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?
Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) involves replacing the lost hormones that naturally decline as we age.These hormones include testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. BHRT includes the replacement of hormones derived from natural plant sources to replicate your body’s normal hormone levels. At Avail Wellness we utilize pellet implants that are placed under the skin to consistently release a steady dose of testosterone or estrogen.
What are hormone pellets?
Hormone pellets contain a natural plant source of testosterone and/or estrogen. A compounding pharmacy, using strict federal guidelines, compounds the testosterone that is utilized in the pellets. These pellets, which are about the size of a grain of rice, are placed in the fatty tissue underneath the skin by a trained healthcare provider. The hormones in the pellet closely mimic the actions of healthy ovaries and testicles with regards to hormone release into the bloodstream. The hormone pellet implantation procedure is easily performed in the office with minimal discomfort.

What are the benefits of BHT for women?
For women, the hormonal fluctuations throughout life can trigger emotional, mental, and physical distress. This decline in hormone levels can cause anxiety, depression, low libido, daily fatigue, brain fog, weight gain, and other health concerns.
In women, bioidentical testosterone hormone pellet therapy has been extremely effective in treating:
Menopausal, perimenopausal, and/or hormonal imbalances
Maintenance of bone density and increase in muscle mass
Restoration of sleep patterns
Improvement in sex drive and sexual performance
Relief of depression, anxiety, irritability, and mood swings
Moreover, hundreds of studies show natural testosterone to be highly preventative against breast cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and dementia, along with other chronic conditions.
What are the
benefits of BHT for men?
For men, lower testosterone can cause a decrease in libido or sexual dysfunction, weight gain, mood changes, muscle loss, and issues with memory and concentration.
In men, testosterone hormone pellet therapy has been extremely effective in treating symptoms of testosterone deficiency, including:
Lack of mental acuity
Loss of libido
Erectile dysfunction
Moreover, many studies show optimal testosterone levels in men (over 800) have preventative effects for many disease states, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, prostate cancer, osteoporosis, and more.

Why is pellet therapy
superior to other methods?
Unlike typical oral, injectable, and transdermal forms of BHT which produce “roller coaster” hormone levels, resulting in mood and energy fluctuations, pellet therapy is the only method of hormone therapy that provides sustained hormone levels throughout the day. Pellet therapy releases this sustained hormone for up to 3-4 months in women and up to 6 months in men.
Because the hormones used are completely natural, pellet therapy is ideal for people wanting the benefits of a natural hormone without the risks or side effects of taking a synthetic hormone.
Are there any
risks of taking bio-identical hormones?
Everyone has different symptoms and, therefore, needs different treatment plans. A bioidentical hormone specialist can help determine how long you need to stay on bioidentical testosterone hormone replacement therapy. Working with an experienced healthcare professional is essential for accurate BHRT results. An healthcare provider well trained in hormones can help regulate your dosage, manage potential side effects, and offer advice on your journey.
Commonly asked questions about BHRT:
How do I know if I need hormone replacement therapy?
Symptoms of hormone imbalance:
Weight gain, lower energy, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and mood swings, a decrease in sex drive, lower muscle density and mass, and more.
If you have any of these symptoms, it’s best to see your doctor before doing anything else. Although these symptoms are often due to low testosterone, there may be other medical conditions at play. Blood work will be tested to show your current hormone levels as well as any additional possible causes of hormonal imbalance. If hormones are low, you can then choose to move forward with testosterone replacement therapy to help resolve or reduce your symptoms.
Does insurance pay for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)?
No, Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is not currently FDA approved so it is not covered by insurance. You can, however, use health savings or flex spending accounts to cover the costs.
Does Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) cause side effects?
With any testosterone hormone replacement therapy, there is the potential for side effects. However, many of the side effects may be outweighed by the benefits of the procedure. Imbalanced hormones can wreak havoc on your body, but with Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, you may be able to reduce the effects of your hormone imbalance feel better.
With bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, the potential side effects include:
Acne, Weight gain, bloating, increased facial hair, mood swings, increased sweating
There are supplements that can reduce or completely resolve the unwanted side effects of BHRT. This is why it is very important to have an educated health care provider manage these hormones for you.
Recovery after your pellet implantation is usually pretty quick. There is some minor discomfort at the treatment site, but you should be able to resume normal daily activities within 3-5 days of your implantation procedure.
Am I a good candidate for BHRT?
If you have any of the above symptoms, a trained healthcare provider will obtain blood work to determine your hormone levels. If your levels are below optimal levels, they may recommend BHRT. At your appointment, we’ll discuss your unique needs and determine an individualized treatment plan that works best for you.
How long should I stay on BHRT?
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy won’t cure low testosterone. You will need to continue your treatment in order to avoid any returning symptoms.
What are the health benefits associated with BHRT?
When your hormones are not balanced, your body cannot properly function, leading to potential health issues.
Health benefits include prevention of: coronary artery disease, alzheimers, depression & mood disorders, prostate & breast cancer, improvements in sexual dysfunction, diabetes & insulin resistance, memory decline, osteoporosis, chronic & acute pain syndromes
What should I expect during my appointment?
During your appointment you will meet with our health care provider to discuss current concerns and symptoms. We will obtain blood work to determine if the causes of your symptoms are related to a hormonal imbalance. If your levels are below optimal levels, you may be recommended BHRT. We will discuss your unique needs and then determine an individualized treatment plan that works best for you.
Where are the testosterone or estrogen pellets placed?
BHRT pellets are placed beneath your skin near the hip or in the side near love handles. This procedure should only take around 15-20 minutes and will need to be performed up to 2-4 times a year, depending on your response. Most people see improvement of their symptoms within the first 2 weeks. However, it is important to remember that all patients have a different healing process.
How much does pellet therapy cost?
Generally, the BHRT pellet therapy cost is competitive with other hormone therapy delivery methods.
Avail Wellness charges
$350 for female pellets
Typically lasts 3-4 months
(that breaks down to $88-$116 a month, depending on how often you require pellets).
$750 for male pellets
Typically lasts 6-7 months
(that breaks down to $107-125 a month)
Of course, the cost of hormone pellet therapy can differ based on your individual treatment plan and needs. Please also note, this is the charge for the pellet as well as for the follow up visit. The initial consult fee is separate.