Peptide Therapy

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What is Peptide Therapy?

Peptides are amino acids that are arranged in a chain-like structure. When proteins are broken down in the body, they break down into amino acids and join back together in different protein patterns to fulfill your body’s needs. Peptides can also stimulate your body’s natural production of human growth hormone (HGH), which has been used to promote healing, anti-aging therapy, pain relief, weight loss, and muscle gain.

As you age or experience changes in your health, the amount and quality of peptides that your body produces can decline. Peptide therapy harnesses peptides’ cellular influence to trigger specific therapeutic reactions including weight loss, improving sexual dysfunction, anti-aging, and improved cognitive function. Peptides’ role in regulating bodily processes make them useful for alleviating symptoms associated with acute as well as chronic health conditions.

How does Peptide therapy work?

Peptide therapy works to restore the number of peptides in your body and stimulate cellular regrowth making it an effective treatment option for specific conditions. Peptides stimulate these amino acids to create proteins your body needs to carry out certain processes.

Whether you are trying to lose weight, increase your libido, manage joint/muscle pain, or regulate your digestive system, these are all areas that can be targeted with peptide therapy. Peptide therapy can also generate relief for people living with Lyme disease, chronic inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and other chronic degenerative diseases.

Types of Peptides

Weight loss peptides

Fat burning peptides

Testosterone enhancing peptides

Muscle, bone, and tendon repair peptides

Brain peptides

Sleep peptides

Sexual arousal peptides

Muscle building peptides

Anxiety/ Depression reducing peptides

Immune enhancing peptides

Anti-aging peptides

Collagen building peptides

Wound healing peptides

Digestive peptides

the more you know

Is Peptide therapy safe?

Peptides have a very high safety factor and are well-tolerated by patients as they are not foreign to our bodies. Peptides are quickly becoming the future of regenerative medicine and are dramatically changing the lives of those seeking longevity and well-being. Anyone can be a candidate for peptide therapy.

What to expect?

An initial consultation is required to determine your peptide therapy needs. Peptides can be administered in a variety of methods including injections, creams, nasal sprays or orally. Upon evaluating your medical history and current health care needs we will determine which treatment method is the most appropriate.

Peptides Available at Avail

Peptides we offer at Avail Wellness include:

BPC 157

BPC 157 maintains GI mucosal integrity, repairs connective tissue, joint/ ligament healing, wound healing, neuroprotective, corneal abrasions. It can also increase healing by increasing the blood flow back to injured sites, protect organs, prevent stomach ulcers, and heal skin burns. 


BPC 157 is a naturally-occurring peptide made of 15 amino acids derived from human gastric juices. BPC-157 has been reported to accelerate wound closure following an alkali burn. Benefits include : 

  • Relieves joint pain
  • Increases blood flow
  • Boosts immune function
  • Improves muscle strength and endurance 
  • Promotes wound healing
  • Speeds up tissue regeneration
  • Reduced inflammation
AOD 9604

AOD 9604 stimulates the pituitary gland which can speed up metabolism and burn body fat. It does not affect insulin levels or cause appetite suppression. It can be used in addition to other weight loss peptides or medications to boost lipolysis (fat burning).              


AOD mimics a segment of human growth hormone (HGH), which has been associated with fat reduction and recovery. This amino acid sequence mimics a segment of human growth hormone (HGH), which has been linked to fat loss and recovery. As a result, inflammation will go down and you'll lose weight. AOD 9604 is also capable of enhancing the building of muscle, similar to growth hormones. Regenerative properties may benefit people with a variety of conditions. Among them are depression, diabetes, cartilage damage, and bone loss.


Peptide therapy can help you lose weight or enhance your mind and body's health. The benefits of AOD 9604 are numerous.  It will assist you with your weight loss efforts in order to contribute to your overall vitality and fitness. Additionally, this peptide can contribute to other aspects of your overall health and provide impressive results.


Thymulin is an immunomodulator that stimulates development of T cells in the thymus. Thymulin peptide has both pro- and anti- inflammatory effects and can be beneficial in helping to regulate the immune response, reduce inflammation, and prevent or reduce effects from auto-immune disease.

CJC 1295

CJC 1295 is effective at increasing growth hormone secretion and IGF-1 aiding in fat loss, muscle growth, improved bone strength, recovery time, heightened immune system, improved cognitive function, and enhanced REM sleep.


CJC-1295 is an incredibly effective peptide which works by stimulating the release of your own body’s growth hormones (which drop quickly after the age of 30). Research has shown that CJC-1295 can increase growth hormone levels by 200-1000% and the elevated growth hormone production continues for up to 6 days.  Studies have reported that administering CJC 1295 once weekly helps to increase plasma GH concentrations for a period of up to 6 days after injection.


Benefits and changes include: 

  • Increased energy
  • Deeper restful sleep
  • Increase in muscle mass.
  • Strengthens immune system.
  • Improves recovery time and repair from injuries.
  • Better cognitive function and mental clarity.
  • Improves skin elasticity, reduces wrinkles, and strengthens nails and hair.
  • Increase in metabolic rate and energy.
  • Increases fat loss.
Selank/ Semax

Selank and Semax are anxiolytic peptides that have been shown to decrease anxiety and depression, increase cognitive function, physical performance, concentration, and improvements in learning. Works like an adaptogen allowing nerve cells in the brain to compensate for injury and adapt to new situations or changes in the environment.


GHK Cu promotes wound healing, attraction of immune cells, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, stimulation of collagen and glycosaminoglycan synthesis in skin fibroblasts and promotion of blood vessels growth. It stimulates connective tissue, promotes wound healing, decreases fine lines and wrinkles as well as scar formation.

Semaglutide/ Tirzepatide

Semaglutide and Tirzepatide are weekly injectables that induce weight loss by reducing hunger, increasing feelings of fullness, reducing cravings and thus helping people eat less and reduce their caloric intake. They stimulate insulin secretion and lower glucagon secretion, thus lowering blood sugar.


Learn More About Tirzepatide

Learn More About Semaglutide


Synapsin Nasal Spray is an innovative, patent-pending powder blend of ginsenoside Rg3 and nicotinamide riboside along with ingredients to aid in solubilization and dispersion. It is designed to be used in formulations for the support of neurological health and cognitive support.


Commonly asked peptide questions:

Do peptides really help with weight loss?

Research suggests that peptide therapy, a form of regenerative medicine, can help improve health and lead to successful weight loss.Peptides can help promote weight loss by regulating the body’s natural appetite and fat-storage hormones, such as ghrelin and leptin. By normalizing these hormones, you can experience reduced hunger pangs that lead to decreased caloric intake and changes in metabolism that can support your weight-loss goals.


Additionally, peptide supplements have been found to promote the formation of new muscle tissue while reducing fat storage. As your body’s metabolism increases and you become more physically active, this can reduce overall body weight.

Do peptides have side effects?

A temporary upset stomach or nausea may also occur following administration. There is also the possibility of feeling of fatigue or lethargy, as growth hormone may increase the desire for sleep as well as its quality and restorative abilities. It causes muscle contraction, especially joint pain and kidney pain.

How do peptides affect your body?

Peptide hormones are synthesized locally and can travel to remote tissues with an implication for physiological growth and differentiation. The paracrine and perhaps autocrine actions of these peptide hormones contribute to the growth, survival, and functionality of the tissues on which they act. Peptide hormones are water-soluble molecules that can range from 3 to 200 amino acids in lengths and shape and are linked by peptide bonds.

Do peptides mess with your hormones?

Peptides can engage with and activate various receptors throughout the body. This promotes the release of hormones and other messaging compounds that may influence your health, body composition, and exercise performance and recovery.

Are peptides like steroids?

Peptides and steroids are both similar yet polar opposites. The main difference, however, is that steroids increase testosterone levels unnaturally in the body whereas peptides simply increase the signal allowing the body to create more of this hormone naturally.


The use of steroids and the injection of hormones such as testosterone can produce adverse effects in the body, for example, the shrinking of testicles and other fertility issues in both men and women. Conversely, as peptides are only focused on signals, e.g., increasing the natural production of testosterone, this does not have adverse effects, therefore, is much safer and, of course, natural.


Peptides promote a longevity approach, whereas steroids are much more short-term and more unsafe, despite the widespread usage surrounding the popular hormone used mainly in bodybuilding and other power sports.

Are Peptides Natural?

Yes! Peptides are naturally found in many foods, especially foods that are good sources of amino acids, such as: Meat. Fish and shellfish. Beans and lentils.


Your body makes peptides that serve important functions in some of your body's most necessary processes. For instance, insulin is a 51-amino-acid-long peptide hormone that helps your cells take in sugars from your food to use for metabolism and store them in your liver.

What is the difference between Peptides and Proteins?

Both peptides and proteins are made up of strings of amino acids that are held together by peptide bonds. The main difference is that peptides are shorter strings of amino acids than proteins, although the terms aren't used precisely. Most scientists refer to chains with over 100 amino acids as proteins.

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